【同义词辨析】 2018-12-17 讥笑scoff-flout

scoff: stresses a derision motivated by insolence, disrespect, or incredulity: ~ed at the religious faith of others.

jeer: suggests a coarser more undiscriminating derision: the crowd ~ed the visiting team.

gibe: implies a taunting either good-naturedly OR in sarcastic derision: ~d at him for repeatedly missingthe ball.

fleer: suggests a grinning or grimacing derisively: the freshmen were greeted by ~ing seniors.  grin咧嘴笑露齿笑呲牙to smile broadly with mouth open, Dennis appeared, grinning cheerfully丹尼斯出现了,高兴地咧着嘴笑 grimace做怪相鬼脸an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face,如the clown grimaced at the children小丑向孩子们做鬼脸,又如I sipped the coffee and grimaced我抿了口咖啡后做了个怪相

sneer: stresses an insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice: ~ed at anything even remotely romantic.

flout: stresses a showing of contempt by refusal to heed or by denial of a thing's truth or power: ~ed the conventions of polite society.

scoff嘲笑: 因为傲慢不相信不尊敬而嘲笑, jeer大声嘲笑: 表示更加粗鲁不加区分的嘲笑,声音大,gibe嘲弄: 嘲弄挑衅(taunt)良性或恶意(sarcastic的讽刺是为了使人),fleer狞笑: 咧嘴笑做怪脸,表示嘲笑,sneer讥笑冷笑: 通过面部表情用辞语调表现轻蔑,flout无视: 拒绝注意或承认

记忆方法:1)首字母SGJFSFGF想成girlfriend, JF想成讥讽,SS想成傻事<==讥笑

        2)讥笑的意思是由于蔑视而讥讽嘲弄mean to show one's contempt by derision or mockery.     讥讽在171110日帖子里,想成"人的母RDM"记,讽刺的程度递增,即ridicule<deride<mock, 还有两个t, taunt最重到了挑衅程度 twit最轻,表示温和幽默地嘲弄,推特twitter来源于该词。